Friday, January 10, 2025

Checklist for Buying Used Car from Private Owner

1.  Get a Car Fax Report


Buyer's Costs: 

1.  Sales tax. 

2.  The buyer must register the car, obtain proof of insurance, and pay applicable taxes.


Seller has the title.  A bill of sale is required to sell a car on your own. 

Make sure the seller does not have an outstanding loan on the car. 

A seller cannot sell a car with an outstanding loan because it will have a lien, or the lender will be listed as the owner on the title. The seller will need to pay off any outstanding loan to sell their vehicle, though this could happen at the time of the sale.




Check the oil.   Pull out the dipstick, and observe the color of the oil. If the oil is dense and sticky, it hasn't been maintained much.  Remove the oil filler cap and look for any white residues (this indicates coolant leaking into the oil galleries).  Smell the oil.  If it smells like petrol, that indicates poor piston rings. A little smell of petrol is acceptable.




Visually observe the belts for cracks.  While you are at it observe the brake fluid quantity and color. If the vehicle is using dot 4 brake fluid, it should be clear, that a yellowed-out brake fluid indicates moisture within that can over time corrode the brake lines.

Fuel line

Coolant line   

Car Smells Like Sulfates or Rotten Eggs

There can be three issues in your car if you smell rotten eggs or sulfate. The first one is a faulty catalytic converter. Bad catalytic converter results in the air-to-fuel misproportion. In turn, it won’t appropriately process hydrogen sulfide to the exhaust. 

Besides, faulty fuel management sensors may inject too much oil. In turn, the converter won’t process exhaust byproducts. When run for too long, exhaust byproducts will go into the tailpipe unprocessed. 

Sometimes, sulfur and hydrocarbon byproducts pile up inside the catalytic converter resulting in rotten eggs or sulfates smell. Run to a mechanic as soon as possible. 

Detecting faulty fuel management sensors or catalytic converters at early stages may help you repair your car at a low cost. 

The 2021 Toyota Camry offers advanced safety features and better build quality, making it a top choice.

  • 2004 Toyota Camry: Very durable
  • 2013-2015 Toyota Camry: Very reliable
  • 2021 Toyota Camry: Great safety features
  • Longevity: Proven over the years
  • Customer satisfaction: Always high ratings

These years show why the Toyota Camry is a great car choice.

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