Jeeze, I have been put
through the ringer with this 2000 Honda Accord. Talk about your Y2K
disasters! Yesterday as I turned my car engine off, smoke billowed up
through the seams of my hood. I felt like I was a factory worker working on a
steam press. Instead, I was just a schnor sitting in his car hoping that
no one would see my catastrophe. But, of course, everyone saw. What
happened was that the heat produced a crack in the radiator hose, allowing smoke to billow everywhere. I knew my thermostat was busted since the
temperature gauge began rising when in idle. Then it went from rising while in idle to being locked in at the HOT position. I was trying to buy time. Always trying to buy time. Richard gave me a quote last week for $150. I thought maybe I could do it myself via some articulate, high-resolution video at YouTube. This one seemed to me to be the best. But I don't have the time or the tools; well, I might have the tools. Even though I cannot afford it, it is worth it to me to just pay Richard or someone the $150 than for me to spend the time buying the parts, moving parts around on the engine and losing this or that. So I had the thermostat replaced, the sensor replaced, and one of the two radiator hoses.
What's next?
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